Gentlemen Community
About Gentlemen Community - Celebrate life and have an unforgettable time together with friends. There are many reasons to belong to the community.

About Gentlemen Community

For men. For grown men. For gentlemen.

A place to meet on the web, far away from the familiar offerings of social networks. A place of peace and quiet. A place of informal communication for like-minded people – for sharing life experiences and professional matters and with tips and recommendations for a relaxed, harmonious life in a relationship or marriage.
The Gentlemen Community can be many things. This community can and should be everything its members want it to be. My name is Raphael Dudler and I founded the Gentlemen Community because I firmly believe that all the things that are important to me personally can also serve other men well.

Gentlemen Community

I see the community as a lively meeting place. Less than a sterile online platform that aims to recruit members in order to show off with numbers. It is a place for active exchange among like-minded people, similar to a meeting with friends on site. The Gentlemen Community is such a place.
From 1996 to 2002, I already had the pleasure of offering a meeting place. As a host, I was able to give many people happy and relaxed moments. With this community, I want to recreate the successes of the past. That’s why members of the community are not just members but guests – my guests.
As a host, I can ensure profitable encounters and offer my guests a lot. The Gentlemen Community is therefore more of an online catering business than a social media platform.

Highlights of the success
Highlights of the success

Focus on the tolerant, cosmopolitan man

The limitation of users, members or even guests has been deliberately chosen. Just as a catering establishment addresses a specific clientele with its DNA, this online platform is aimed at specific people. As a service, the Gentlemen Community can and wants to do a lot of good for men. Membership can be seen as a reward in itself for an open-minded attitude towards all things in this world. For respect towards fellow human beings and for an attitude to life that should actually be taken for granted.
The Gentlemen Community is a home of good taste, tolerance and freedom.

Stay in touch and maintain contacts

In addition to exchanging ideas and meeting up online, we want to meet up at least once a year in a special place and celebrate together. Celebrate life and have an unforgettable time together with friends. There are many reasons to belong to the community. And just as in a catering establishment, where guests breathe life into the host’s plans, so it is with the Gentlemen Community.
Everything is ready. You are very welcome!
